
So, you're ready to be a child sleep consultant?

The CEO of a leading training provider of infant and child sleep certifications, spills the beans on what its like to be a sleep consultant. Kel Whittaker, AMHSW, MSW, BPsySc, shares her personal journey, case stories and inside information on what it takes to be a professional sleep consultant. Kel is a an industry promoter of respecting the parent-child bond when working with families and sleep issues and in this book you will gain a warming insight into how to marry sleep science, psychology and heart, to deliver all you hope to in your career.
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Meet the author

Kel Whittaker

Double-degree (Masters) qualified, with a calming presence, Kel is a most suitable industry encourager. Kel felt the industry needed a deeper enrichment from the psychological science field, specifically, focusing on the human nature that is attachment. Kel founded the Institute of Sensitive Sleep Consulting in 2015 after identifying a need in the child sleep industry to support and educate professionals who identify themselves as respectful of attachment parenting values, positive parenting principles and other parenting styles that nurture the parent-child bond, whilst guiding clients to respectful solutions to their sleep issues. The programs delivered have gained international recognition. A respected professional in the industry, Kel has provided articles on request to other notable institutions such as the Birth Institute and the International Maternity & Parenting Institute. She was also the Australian representative of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants.For the past 9 + years Kel has worked with families on sleep and mental health issues. Kel manages a private practice providing counselling and therapy on the Gold Coast and Logan region in Queensland, Australia, where she resides with her family.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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